The Jaffrey Historical Society
Jaffrey Historical Society, 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, NH 03452
Photo credit: unknown

Constitution and By-Laws
Of the Jaffrey Historical Society

Constitution and By-Laws in HTML format

Articles of Incorporation By-Laws in .pdf format (839 KB)

Officers & Committee Chairs

President: Peter Lambert

Vice Presidents: Vicki Arceci & Sean Driscoll

Treasurer: Peter Davis

Corresponding & Recording Secretary: Meg Gourley

Archives: Bruce Hill

Exhibits: Jeanne Duval

Genealogist: Carolyn Garretson

Hospitality: Cathy Proulx and Diane Schaumann

Little Red Schoolhouse: Jackie Johnson

Membership: Marcie Manning

Monadnock No. 4: Dave Kemp

Publications: Sean Driscoll


2022-2025 2023-2026 2024-20227
Jeanne Duval Cathy Proulx Judiff Goff
Jackie Johnson Karl Putnam Bob Schaumann
Fran McBride Diane Schaumann Peter Maki
Ray Record Lynn Lambert Betty Shea