Date | Topics | Cover |
Winter 2025 | Year in Review. Description of the French-Canadian music by Josee Vachon and Patrick Ross at the Park Theater that was co-sponsored by The Society. Announcement of the new JHS logo designed by Whitney Alvarez. A report on Peter Lambert's Christmas Village which drew over 600 visitors to the display rooms during the Christmas season. Announcement of the upcoming Some Meetinghouses and Historic Churches of New England exhibit which will run from February 28 to March 28 at the Jaffrey Civic Center. A related show of Jaffrey Meetinghouse Artifacts will occupy the Civic Center Display Cases at the same time. |  |
Fall 2024 | Description of the upcoming Fall Outing. Report on the Warfield Collection exhibit and reception. An annoucement of the upcoming Christmas Village Display. An article on Rufus Porter murals written by Dick Boutwell. Announcement about the upcoming French Canadian Christmas Concert. |  |
Summer 2024 | Latest Happenings: Reopening of the display rooms, Jackie Johnson opening of the Little Red Schoolhouse for the season, upcoming exhibit of Warfield Birds. Story of Pompey Freedman. Announcement of Annual Meeting. |  |
Spring 2024 | Write up of both Bruce Hill's "Conant Generations" presentation and the Spring Pot-Luck. List of new society committees. Recognition by town selectmen of Richard Boutwell's service on the Cemetery Committee. In Memoriam section for Joe Manning. |  |
Winter 2024 | Note from new president Peter Lambert including updates on Autumn Annual Outing to Amherst, Christmas 2023 Pot-Luck, and the naming of the "Richard Boutwell Archival Center". Call for participation in new committees. Note "From the Archives" by Bruce Hill. Update on Membership Dues by Marcie Manning. |  |
Summer 2022 | Notice and program for the Society's Annual Meeting, held on August 11th at The Meetinghouse. Letter form President Charlie Turcotte thanking David Salvatore, the summer intern, Bruce Hill and Dick Boutwell for work done in the archives. Report on upcoming repairs to the Monadnock 4 building. Committee reports and updates. Photos from the Carolyn Parrott collection. A look back at Jaffrey's Quatroseptcentennial 1948. |  |
Winter 2022 | Notice that the February Potluck "Extravaganza" would be held in April. Letter from President Charlie Turcotte recapping the Historical Society's year. Report and pictures Aon the Autumn outing to Swanzey. A call for Conant High School yearbooks. The society's collection is large, but incomplete. Committee reports. An update from the Jaffrey 250 sub-committee. Pictures and write up about Winter Carnivals. |  |
Autumn 2021 | Invitation to the Autumn Outing to Swanzey, NH. Letter from President Charlie Turcotte detailing the challenges the Society faces in maintaining, preserving, and displaying its holdings. A recent flood and changes at the library necessitate a review of our current practices. Reports by committee chairs. Pictures from Summer Cutter Cemetery Tour and an update on Ken Sheldon's upcoming book about the Dean Murder, Deep Water, by Ken Sheldon. |  |
Winter-Spring 2021 | Message from Society President Charlie Turcotte on the difficulties of Covid-19 restrictions and two recent displays at the Jaffrey Civic Center; one on Conant High School and another devoted to Valentine's Day. Issue contains a Master Plan update and reports from various committee chairpersons. |  |
Winter 2020 | Invitation to the "Three Amigos" presentation. Report from the president detailing the installation of a new video projector made possible by Mary Kidd. Reports by the Archives, Membership and Little Red Schoolhouse Committee chairs. Photos from the Christmas party. |  |
Autumn 2019 | Information on the Society's Autumn Outing to Millipore, Squantum, Cathedral in the Pines, and the Rindge Meeting House. Report on the "Laban Ainsworth: A Life" book launch. Message from Society president Bruce Hill. Reports by the Archives, Membership and Little Red Schoolhouse Committee chairs. |  |
Summer 2019 | Invitation to the 2019 Annual Meeting held on August 8 at the Grand View Estate.Reports from archives, membership, and Little Red Schoolhouse chairs. Report on Mary Jo Marvin's revision and updating of the Society's Hannah Davis Booklet. Report on the Society's exhibits on the second floor of the Jaffrey Library. Information on the Society's application for a historical highway marker for soldier's rock. Year in Review. Photographic highlights from the Duncan-Carguilo Collection. |  |
Winter 2019 | Information about upcoming potluck supper and program devoted to the "Great Molasses Flood". Report on the success of Willa Cather Weekend. Information about the Button Display in the Civic Center display cases. Dean Murder recap. Announcement about the Society's publication of "Laban Ainsworth: A Life." Message from Society president Bruce Hill. |  |
Autumn 2018 | Information about the upcoming outing to The Troy Historical Society. Information about a command performance of "Deep Water". Itinerary for Willa Cather Weekend. Message from Society president Bruce Hill. Reports by the Archives, Membership and Little Red Schoolhouse Committee chairs. |  |
Summer 2018 | Information about the upcoming presentation of "Deep Water: The Murder of William K. Dean" at The Meeting House. Willa Cather weekend. Message from Society president Bruce Hill. Reports by the Archives, Membership and Little Red Schoolhouse Committee chairs. |  |
Winter 2018 | Report on Autumn outing to Winchendon History and Cultural Center. Reports on Archives, Membership, a postcard exhibit this summer, and The Meetinghouse Roof. |  |
Autumn 2017 | Report on the Phil Cournoyer's talk on W.W. Cross. Excerpts from the Town History on the tack factory and W.W. Cross. Reports on the Little Red Schoolhouse, Membership, adn the new Jaffrey Little Library. |  |
Summer 2017 | Description of the trip to the Murdock-Whitney House, the home of the Winchendon History and Cultural Center. The trip included several stops in Winchedon, including the Isaac Morse House, Murdock Middle and High Schools, Winchendon Old Center, Massachusetts Veterans' Memorial Cemetery, and Clyde, the iconic giant rocking horse of Winchedon. Reports on the Little Red Schoolhouse and the Archives. Write up of the mineral spring on Rt. 124 and a strange board that might have been used to measure lumber. |  |
Spring 2017 | Write up of the program "Conservation and Repair of Historic Gravestones" by Kai Nalenz. The issue also contains a report on the February 9th potluck. Updates on recent acquisitions including a trunk donated by Randy Cournoyer which was once owned by Jule Durant. |  |
Winter 2017 | Announcment of the Potluck Supper in February and program on dog sledding and Winter Carnival in Jaffrey. Write up of the historical Society's trip to the Wilton Historical Society. Reports on collections and an update of Vicki Arceci's development of a database of every program and event since 1958. |  |
Autumn 2016 | | |
Summer 2016 | | |
Spring 2016 | | |
Winter 2016 | | |
Autumn 2015 | | |
Summer 2015 | | |
Spring 2015 | | |
Winter 2015 | | |
Autumn 2014 | | |
Summer 2014 | | |
June 2014 | | |
Spring 2014 | | |
Winter 2014 | | |
Winter 2013 | | |
Autumn 2013 | | |
Autumn 2012 | | |
Spring 2012 | | |